Defeating Fascist Liberalism (Reforms 1-8)
(click on each one)
Ending the power and regulatory control of the 'Establishment' party political class.
Reduce government activity (including regulation) to less than 20% of GDP while replacing GDP with ‘real progress indicators’.
Each individual given all the opportunities needed to be self-reliant and maximize their talents and interests.
Eliminate liberal attitudes and practices causing the West’s demographic and cultural decline.
Advocate an appropriate wealth cap that does not discourage free enterprise and entrepreneurship.
Banking reform: all credit (loans) issued by an independent statutory authority and repaid without interest.
Apply the principles of ‘workplace democracy’ (Semler- Semco model) to all businesses with over 100 employees.
End financial market practices and government fiscal policy that allows global corporatism to concentrate wealth and power.
Essential Reading
Download ‘Against The Night’ for free
This manuscript remain unpublished to date. It has been written for non-Christian with the material stripped of the Christian content and references contained in the other manuscripts on this site. Against Our Night documents the Marxist cultural slide into the fascist cum feudal condition the West is slipping into under its progressive, cancel cultural and neo-feudal corporate elites. It then goes on to describe the 12 Reforms the West must institute to put these elites in their place.