Key components
- The democratisation of justice by helping to actualize the 7 principles of real democracy.
- Free, immediate and accessible local justice.
- Covers civil/contractual disputes and criminal offending.
- People’s courts can impose custodial sentences.
- The ‘old court’ system remains for serious matters and some appeals.
- The circumstantial use of tribunals, mediation and arbitration
- People’s courts may make enforceable ‘orders’ or declarations for required action.
- The courts responsible for ‘outlaw declarations’; comprehensive controls on civil liberties for people habitually living anti-social and criminal lives.
Major effects and benefits
- Provides a practical and costless way to keep the mechanics of free complex societies operating smoothly.
- Reduces the likelihood of victimizing victims.
- Overcomes the slow, technically mired and costly nature of the existing justice system.
- Ends the monopoly control of the existing legal fraternity.