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3rd Challenge:

The western Church

The western Church has, over the last 100 years, progressively retreated from its historic role as the definer and protector of the four key western institutions: the individual, the family, government and the moral order.  This has created a vacuum filled by the liberal fascism and corporate feudalism.


The western Church is part of 'The Problem'.  Churches wanting to come out of the wilderness by facing The Problem's giants (liberalism and corporatism) must transition to The Next Generation Church - a Church that leverages off an understanding of our times to build a stronger Church by using the 12 Reforms to confront the giants, thus increasing opportunities for evangelism. See the 'The Church and The Problem' section below for background readings on the issues facing the western Church. For a detailed examination of The Problem download the books available on this site.  If you are a Christian start with NGC: Next Generation Church.  If you are not a Christian read Against Our Night.


The Next Generation Church

If the Church is to recover its historic place as a force to be reckoned with in western society and rebuild itself by fulfilling the great commission it must embrace the 12 reforms as the dynamic platform for its biblically mandated role as God's ambassador to our times - salt and light.  

The ‘western Church’ refers to the Christian  Church without differentiating between denominations, but does exclude, by definition, those churches that have departed from orthodox historical belief in biblical inerrancy on all matters related to doctrine, the deity of Christ and salvation. 

What does the Next Generation Church look like?

The 5 core Christian world view principles