The central purpose of western civilization is to give each individual the opportunities they need to reach their full self-reliant potential as responsible citizens.
Man is not just another animal. Every human being is, in cosmic terms and barring the discovery of other advanced life forms, unique in the universe. Individual human nobility is born when each person grasps their opportunities and reaches for their potential.
The common characteristics of individual human potential:
- General awareness: A conscious independence and sense of purpose...
- Reason: The ability to empirically experiment, think, choose…good decision-making and problem-solving.
- Sense of justice: A natural desire to see things done in equity and according to fair and justice laws…
- Volition: The ability to plan and act autonomously…
- Individuality: Each person accepts their uniqueness….
- Creativity: A resourceful and free ability to conceive, design and manufacture something new…
- Aesthetic appreciation: The ability to recognise, celebrate and rejoice in things natural, or made by man…
- Gender identity: Awareness, perspectives, genetic qualities and role differentiation that separate and mark males and females as equal but different.
- Nobility: A drive to action and purpose based on a sense that Man has dignity, a destiny and significance…
- Perfection: Nobility, volition and creativity working in concert…
- Conscience morality: The knowledge of natural law, good and evil, right and wrong…
- Soul & spirit: Aspects of personhood, independent of matter, that have a transcendent quality….
- Relationship: The desire and ability to act in concert with others…
- Stewardship: A ‘calling’ to make responsible use of the earth’s resources…
- Obedience: A teachable understanding, conscious recognition and acceptance of truth…
- Character: The autonomous exercise of adult values…
- Emotional intelligence: An overall sense of all the foregoing elements within a set of qualities that include, self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, behavioural modification, empathy and social skills.
Essential Reading
Phil's working on this...