- Unrestrained socialist government – inevitable fascist totalitarianism
- Unchecked wealth inequalities – Social injustice and the risk of civil war.
- The collapse of marriage and the nuclear family – widespread and costly social dysfunction.
- A ‘demographic winter’ - population decline and the collapse of a cohesive culture.
- Public and private debt – Economic and social collapse
- Global corporatist ‘neo-liberalism’ - The re-emergence of a feudal aristocracy, and injustice
- Diversity / multiculturalism – Social tensions and cultural collapse
- Crime and substance abuse – Loss of ‘social capital’ (trust, cooperation and personal security).
- Liberal political correctness – fascism/Marxism
- Liberal moral relativism – social dysfunction and lost social capital leading to cultural decline.
- Popular apathy and ignorance. – makes all of the above possible and more likely.
Essential Reading
Phil's working on this...