Understanding important terms
World view (existentialism): The set of assumptions, often accepted with little critical reflection on their validity, that govern the way communities, individuals and whole cultures act, live, make decisions and structure their institutions. A world view defines the nature, purpose and meaning of existence.
Neo-liberal corporatism: A world economic order ‘liberalized’ to allow large banking and manufacturing corporations to take advantage of free trade, cheap third world labour, floating exchange rates, cheap credit and global financial markets to reap huge profits and create a super wealthy aristocracy at the expense of the rest of us.
Judeo-Christianity: The western world’s founding religious order containing the philosophic principles that made building the western world’s economic, social and, by definition, cultural civilisation, possible.
Social service / social action: SS deals with meeting felt needs, helping the poor and assisting those in trouble. It aims at dealing with effects. SA is aimed at the policy and practical causes of social and economic dysfunction.
Liberalism: A fascist and Marxist inspired world view that insists big government socialism, inclusiveness, neo-liberal corporatism, feminism, diversity/multiculturalism, moral relativism and policy made by ‘experts’; all policed by political correctness and intolerance towards divergent views is the only acceptable ‘moral’ position (c.f. fascism).
Corporatism: Also called neo-liberalism, meaning the global freedom of corporations in manufacturing, marketing, banking, stocks, ‘financial products’ and labour markets. Trade agreements and floating exchange rates are used to facilitate this system. Corporations are also closely aligned with the liberal political class and its fiscal addiction to deficit spending fueled by central bank quantitative easing. It is feudal: An economic and power elite served by everyone else.
Fascism: A catch-all term for strictly hierarchical authoritarian rule that believes its purpose is to ‘do good’ for everyone whether they like it or not. It is anti-democratic and finds its truest expression in both sides of the same coin – cultural Marxism and Nazism. Fascism stresses national unity, around an assumed set of values, brought into being and sustained by the ever present and far-reaching state, under a charismatic leader, in cooperation with aberrant cartel corporate businesses.
Counter-cultural: Advocating and living by principles and ways that are true to the Judeo-Christian roots of western culture and significantly different from the surrounding liberal culture.
Transformative: To affect obvious change by being counter-cultural.
Essential Reading
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