Strategic Goals – through the 12 Reforms
- Christian heritage: The western church becomes counter-cultural and transformative by reasserting the principles and values of God’s kingdom culture.
- World view transformation: The Christian world view’s core principles are highly valued as essential social policy standards.
- Evangelism: Achieving a social climate where respect for the Christian faith and a willingness to hear the gospel expands and the Church grows significantly.
- Social responsibility: Western Civilisation’s slide into paganism is arrested.
- Human nobility: Everyone has the same opportunities to access justice and achieve their full potential as people made in the image of God.
- Social capital: Social cohesion, safety and cooperation, operating free of artificial or remotely imposed constraints becomes the norm.
- Freedom from hegemony: All ideological threats to democracy and human rights no longer threaten the West or the rest of the world.
Tactical ‘doctrines’ (methods)
- ‘Dwell’ in the Lord: Psalm3, 23 and 91.
- Declare war: You are in a war with a known enemy. Psalm 2, Judges 3:1-5.
- Don’t fight the last war: Use the right approaches for the times in which we live.
- Position yourself for knowledge and advantage: Hold the high moral ground.
- Create a sense of urgency: Accept its time to act, not argue.
- Better to attack with what you have: There is no time like the present.
- Avoid groupthink: Provide situational and servant leadership.
- Always go forward: Retreat is only a maneuver to advance again.
- Turn the tables: Initiate the attack and move fast.
- Be Determine to go the distance, however long.single minded:
- Lose battles but win the war: Don’t let setbacks get to you.
- Hit them where it hurts: Exploit vulnerabilities to cause the most damage.
- Transform the war into a crusade: Imbue everyone with a desire to fight.
- Segment your forces: Allow autonomous, independent action.
- Invest in your people: Make sure they are well prepared and equipped.
- Create creative space: Help people determine how best to get the job done.
- Define goals and expectations: Make no excuses for low energy and poor execution.
Holy Bible (NIV). Alan Axelrod (1999): Patton on Leadership. Robert Greene (2005):
The 33 Strategies of War.
Essential Reading
Phil's working on this...