Seeing the field – understanding our times – a situation analysis with links made to the challenges facing the early Church in pagan Roman times. Fallen-ness exposed: behavioural and historic forces at work.
Defining the major terms Christians must understand.
Why the Church must leave the wilderness and face the three giants across the Jordan (The Problem). Embracing the great command and the great commission.
The battle of world views – examining the deep divide between the Christian and liberal-corporatist world view.
End game: the major goals for Christian social action and social service - building the Church.
Aligning the Church with Christianity's core principles.
Means of attack: – the 12 reform platform (how when where and why).
The biblical and historic basis for action – aligned with God in hating what he says he hates.
The western Church: weaknesses and strengths.
The tactical ‘doctrines’ the NGC must adopt.
How to transition to the Next Generation Church.
Format: Short presentations, Q/A discussion, exercises
Length: 5 hours, excluding breaks
Resources: Leaders notes, presentation power point slides and participants workbook.
Facilitators: Book Chris Salt to deliver or use a local person with the knowledge and skills. This person would need to read Against the Night and NGC.